5 Javascript Clean Coding Patterns To Enhance Your Code
Introduction Clean code is essential for writing maintainable and efficient JavaScript applications. It improves readability, reduces bugs, and makes collaboration easier. By following clean coding patterns, developers can produce code that is easier to understand, maintain, and extend. In this article, we will explore five JavaScript clean coding patterns that can enhance your code and contribute to a better development experience. 1. Consistent Naming Conventions One of the fundamental aspects of clean coding is using consistent and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes. Descriptive and self-explanatory names can significantly improve code readability. By following naming conventions, such as camel case for variables and functions, and Pascal case for classes, you can make your code more intuitive. Avoid using ambiguous or cryptic names that might confuse other developers working on the codebase. Consistent naming conventions help create code that is easier to understand and maintain. 2. Modularization and Single Responsibility Principle Breaking down your code into small, modular units is crucial for clean coding. Applying the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) ensures that each module, function, or class has a single, well-defined purpose. This promotes code reusability and makes testing and debugging more manageable. By organizing your code into smaller, focused modules, you improve readability, maintainability, and flexibility. Aim for smaller functions or methods that perform specific tasks, rather than having large monolithic blocks of code. 3. Avoiding Magic Numbers and Hardcoded Values Magic numbers and hardcoded values are non-descriptive and arbitrary values scattered throughout the codebase. They make the code difficult to understand and modify. Instead, it is recommended to use named constants or configuration variables. By assigning meaningful names to these values, their purpose becomes clear, and any changes can be made in a single place, improving maintainability. For example, instead of using to improve code clarity and maintainability. 4. Error Handling and Graceful Degradation Error handling is a crucial aspect of clean coding. Properly handling errors and exceptions can prevent crashes and unexpected behavior in your application. Use try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions, providing meaningful error messages to users or logging them for debugging purposes. Additionally, consider implementing graceful degradation by anticipating potential errors and providing fallback mechanisms. Graceful degradation ensures that even if a certain feature or functionality fails, the application can still continue running without breaking the user experience. 5. Commenting and Documentation Well-documented code is essential for clean coding practices. Comments help explain the intent, purpose, and functionality of code blocks. Use comments to clarify complex algorithms, provide insights into decision-making processes, or document any assumptions or limitations. However, it's important to strike a balance with comments. Avoid excessive or redundant comments that merely restate the code. Focus on adding value by providing context and explaining the reasoning behind the implementation choices.
August 20 · 2 min read ·
ProgrammingHow To Get Started With Learning Turkish
How to get started: Learning Turkish Last edited time: April 15, 2023 11:59 PM Owner: Anonymous One of the hurdles of learning a new language is not knowing where to get started. In this writing I cover what I would do if I was to start and learn Turkish all over again. Stay tuned! First of all let me talk about the mental model required that more or less applies to learning any language. 1. Approach with a mindset of a five year old. You can apply this approach in order to learn the alphabet of the the language and basic words like car, apple, tree, socks, jacket, chair, table... and the like. 🔑 One thing you should pay attention to learn or ask(if you have someone) as many questions as possible and map this words to the language you are comfortable with the most. Coming back to Turkish, learn daily used words and associate the context of how you learned it. Eventually you would forget and re-learn words but you know the words you will not forget, the words you remember how you came to learn them. To illustrate this, On my first night in Turkey, I learned hot in Turkish was sıcak (/sɯ.ˈdʒɑk/) when I was offered a hot tea. Intuitively cold follows as soğuk. From the above example I can introduce some things about Turkish. There is a letter ı → “i” without the dot The letter c in Turkish is like the j in English. Whenever you see ğ → “soft g“, read the word like ğ did not exist. Just ignore it. 🔑 A popular example to see the above three concepts in action leads as to look at the name of The president of Türkiye. His name is usually mispronounced by international journalist. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan → It is pronounced as “Rejeb Tayyip Erdo_an” 2. What is Turkish actually Like? Turkish is an agglutinative language. The word agglutinative comes from the Latin verb 𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘦 meaning to glue together. Words in Turkish generally have a root and a suffix. The suffix determines the tense, or whether if it is a verb or a noun. So you can approach learning Turkish like solving a jigsaw puzzle. 3. Back to the root Most of the thing you do when learning Turkish is visually breaking down words to their basic constituents — the root and the suffix(s). 📝 Let us see this in play, The sentence “You will learn Turkish” translates to “Siz Türkçe öğrenecksiniz.” Siz → You Türkçe → Turkish — You see Turkish came before the verb “to learn” → The sentence structure in Turkish is — Subject + Object + Verb Öğreneceksiniz → You will learn Let us break “öğrenecksiniz” into its root and suffixes. What is the verb in the first place? öğrenmek (to learn) Verbs in Turkish have the ending “mak or mek” after the root. What is the root of the verb? öğren (learn) You get the root by removing the “mak or mek” from the verb. The suffixes. -ecek It makes it future tense -siniz It ends with siniz since it started with Siz(plural you) it has to end in a way that is in agreement with the Subject( Siz → You 🙃). Siz Türkçe öğreneceksiniz → You will learn Turkish 📌 You can be overwhelmed by the above example — what I say to you making such dissections only makes sense after learning about verbs, tenses and building good library of words. 📌 I want you to know like many things in Life Turkish grammar also makes sense in hindsight. You enjoy it coming back understanding why it had to be that way. The above example is just to help you find out if you find the challenge interesting enough to learn more. Thanks for reading!
August 20 · 4 min read ·